WDCEP Feature: 5 Rules: How Not to Get Psyched Out (Or Burned) Renting Your First Retail Space

In talking to our friends at the Washington DC Economic Partnership, a common theme in their conversations with new retailers looking to rent a space in the city is how flipping stressful the whole process can be. So, for those who are just embarking on this journey, we wrote this post for you...


5 Rules: How Not to Get Psyched Out (Or Burned) Renting Your First Retail Space

Renting a commercial retail space is a whole thing. The journey from deciding that you want to open a bricks and mortar space and getting open is long, rocky and surprisingly confusing. For first timers, the journey is challenging at best and financially catastrophic at worst. Yeah, it can be scary. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are five tips to making it through the process with minimal bruising. I wish I could say I’m just an all-knowing wizard, but the truth is that I learned these things the hard way.

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